

#digital design #education #workshop #publication design

Read, download, and print the zine here.
The second workshop of “The Subconscious as Politics” series, Offerings, aimed to provide a better understanding of creating futures through design. It was planned with the intention of producing a printed zine after the event, containing contributions from the participants. The digital space became the alternative world in which we could explore the possibilities of speculation and futures. While the How to Dream workshop focused on dreaming and immaterial worlds, this one revolved around how dreaming can then translate into the material world and create tangible change.

The zine that the collective produced is an embodied visual artifact of our contemplations on temporalities, futures, and politics. In addition to documenting their responses to the given prompts, this zine also serves as a public continuation of the conversation surrounding how we can utilize design for political future-building.

This workshop hosted designers and students from the US and Europe, including design students from the Rhode Island School of Design, Brown University, and Missouri State University.

© Nina Jun Yuchi 2024